
Interesting news! A 16 years old boy, Ruslan Schedrin, happened to be the 100, 000th visitor of a new website selling virtual arms for video games and he was rewarded to spend a month in a hotel with a well known X-rated actress - Macy Ssens. Yes, you are right, the prize is a month live with a porn star! Don't hurry to envy this lucky boy! His mom seems not happy with this "prize".
fresh-faced Ruslan a 16 years old achool boy
Unexpected prize for a sixteen years old boy
Ruslan, a 16 year school boy who lives with his family in Russia, said he reacted with shock and disbelief when he has won the unusual reward. But this turned out to be true. "I am looking forward to our meeting so much - everything is boiling inside me. I am happy so much, Buy Runescape 3 Gold he stated. Ruslan called his friends and shared this news with them, and some of them are envious. How lucky this boy!
Ruslan's mum upseted about the winning prize
Ruslan's mum, Vera Schedrina, was insisting the prize is not appropriate for a 16-year-old child, adding that he should concentrate on their study. She mentioned: he has got exams, he is studying. What do you mean - a month with a porn star? This is not real at all - even a X-rated star Ekaterina Makarovaweek is too much. They should give us 100, 000 rubles ($1036) instead - we'll be happy with it". Notara added: "Such a prize - how could they get such an idea for a 16-year-old boy? "
Should this boy be awarded this reward?
Ruslan has the option of passing on the award to his "official representative"- his dad, but Ruslan's mother is against this too. So should Ruslan be awarded to live with porn celebrity for a month? What you do think about this? Share your opinion on Rsgoldfast Facebook. We will pick up two of you and praise you the prize you really need - free 15M Runescape 3 Gold and 3M RS 07 gold. Take you time to show your comment on Rsgoldfast Facebook and get free RS gold to make the most of Double XP weekend.
It is not hard to see that Ruslan can't wait to spend time along with Ekaterina. Ekaterina explained she will date together with Ruslan after school and she will negotiate with his mother to see if he can live in the hotel together.


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